Twenty-nine years have passed since the events of Hocus Pocus (1993). Three high school students band together to stop the Sanderson sisters. Three women bring the Sanderson Sisters back to the present day. And they have to figure out how to save this world from the destruction of child-hungry witches.
Add Cast
- Bette Midler as by Winifred "Winnie
- Taylor Paige Henderson
- Kathy Najimy as by Mary Sanderson
- Nina Kitchen as by young Mary Sanderson
- Sarah Jessica Parker as by Sarah Sanderson
- Juju Journey Brener as by young Sarah Sanderson
- Doug Jones as by Billy Butcherson
- Whitney Peak as by Becca
- Lilia Buckingham as by Cassie Trask
- Belissa Escobedo as by Izzy
- Hannah Waddingham as by The Witch
- Tony Hale as by Jefry Traske
- Sam Richardson as by Gilbert
- Froy Gutierrez
- RuPaul's Drag Race
- Ginger Minj
- Cornbread Jeté
- Kamora Hall
- Mary
- Sarah
Box Office
World Box-Office Rank:: # Soon Update
Hollywood Rank:: # Soon Update
Budget:: Soon Update
Box-Office: $18.5 Million
John Debney
Movie Information
Name | Information |
Directed | Anne Fletcher |
Story | David Kirschner,Blake Harris,Jen D'Angelo |
Producer | Adam Shankman,Lynn Harris,David Kirschner,Steven Haft |
P.Company | Walt Disney Pictures,David Kirschner Productions |
Distributed | Disney+ |
Movie Release 1st | September 30, 2022 |
Total Length | .... |
Movie Language | English |
Movie Country | United States |
Box-Office | 28 Million |
Remaining Days |